We all take decisions, some mundane and then there are the ones which define us.
Simple ones like what to wear today, to the ones, where we choose our friends and foes, keep us involved in the choices we make.
Decisions come with outcomes.
Decisions are not right or wrong. It’s the outcome which make us feel either way. Let’s say we decide to wear an outfit for a party and get ridiculed for that. You would certainly lament your choice of dress.
Outcomes may be short term and/or long term. You choose to marry your best friend against the advice of your well wishers. In the near future things may get tough but the ride may get better with time.
So how does one decide or choose?
Most of us will take 5-6 major decisions in their lives, namely – career, partner, place to live, etc. Now the pertinent question is how to decide so that the outcomes turn favourable in the long run at-least?
The Road NOT taken by Robert Frost
Here i am reminded of the classic by the poet Robert Frost. He concludes in his poem – The Road NOT Taken, by choosing the option which had challenges and uncertainties. Do we too have the courage and luxury to make such choices?
Is it practical to always take the outlier path in life?
The answer is in the question, what makes a life worthwhile? Goals, achievements or the path itself?
When you choose a path less travelled you encounter things which keeps you on your toes, most of the time. You are uncertain, confused, excited and a plethora of other emotions. This state of being “alive” always and pondering what’s next gives a meaning which truly defines a life lived.
I am quoting the last line from the poem by Robert Frost, it says, i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. The difference of just living a mediocre life or one which created an impact. What would you choose?