The Self image and how we are enslaved by it.
First we are so drawn to the image we create of ourselves like how we look, what qualities we perceive we have, being smart over others. This is first circle of ego we live in and strengthen it every moment. We get attached to it so much that any threat to it, is perceived negatively. Things which inflates our image we strive to achieve it and anything which tries to blemish it, we try to avoid. Eventually ending up in creating a life of raga and dvesha for things, people & situations.
Leading, eventually into life which always keep striving for things which we like and avoiding things which we dislike. Thus the sufferings when things do happen according to us or they happen against us.
Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 64
“rāga-dveṣha-viyuktais tu viṣhayān indriyaiśh charan
ātma-vaśhyair-vidheyātmā prasādam adhigachchhati “
Meaning: But one who controls the mind, and is free from attachment and aversion, even while using the objects of the senses, attains the Grace of God
The ever ending desire to be exclusive is making us own more and more
Second, concentric circle, over and above is the circle which is called as mine. So first its about me and then what i call mine. Things like my country, religion, ethnicity, family, house, car and the list is endless. We relentlessly pursue to protect what is “mine” and start a very strong affliction to things, people and situations. Thereby extending the circle which has the power to make us suffer. Everyday we strive to increase the affliction to “me” & “mine” which keeps us on the treadmill of unhappiness and eventually perpetual suffering. Getting attached to it has been the greatest fallback in people’s life and lead to their detriment.
Is there a way to move out of the loop?
The way recommended in the Bhagwad Gita is to work without the desire of rewards for your action, which in turn will strengthen your intellect. Key is to dedicate every action in the almighty’s service and accept that you neither are the doer or the receiver of the action. Therefore, who you are (ME) and what you own (MINE) is only an illusion which may change very soon.
Let’s understand using an example; Remember when you were born how small and helpless you were? You could barely do anything on your own other than eat, sleep, cry and excrete. This changed pretty fast, in few months you were able to crawl, recognise your mothers voice, babble etc. That too changed, so this drama keeps going till you die. So, in this entire journey, one thing is so clear, what you once called “me” and “mine’ has changed so many times without your slightest of permissions.
So, PAUSE, and keep reminding yourselves that “me” and “mine” is transitory and you need not get attached to it.
Conscious, Sub-Conscious and the Unconscious, how do they function?
We are being driven by our pre-programmed systems and very rarely use our discretion or the conscious mind to take any action or more importantly take decisions. This is the exact reason why you cannot stop yourself from buying that cheese cake slice even though you are full and doctor has advised to cut down on sugar.
We can break this endless loop, by just having small spaces during the day, when we are NOT operating from our memory, experience and knowledge. And how can we do that? Very simple, create a simple routine around your daily actions which are compulsive or sub-conscious or habit driven, ex; taking your meals. So when you just start to have any of your meals, pause, close your eyes and just observe your breathing for 60 secs. Thats it!
Do this ritual for the next 45 days and you will start to feel lighter, become more aware of your actions in general and more importantly let go of the baggages building up in your system.
Let me know about your struggles, small wins while trying this and any queries you may have in the comments section.
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